


The ACRoBEAR project aims to understand and predict health risks from wildfire air pollution and natural-focal disease at high latitudes, under rapid Arctic climate change, as well as resilience and adaptability of communities across the pan-Arctic region to these risks.

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A multinational consortium created to perform comparative analyses of diarrheal disease risk associated with extreme weather events in order to develop a transferable solution — S2S early warnings for diarrheal disease — to reduce extreme weather-related diarrheal disease burdens and improve community resilience to climate change.

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HEATCOST quantifies global current and future changes in cardiopulmonary (CPD) mortality and morbidity due to extreme heat and air pollution (including from wildfires) under selected climate scenarios, while assessing a diverse set of adaptation mechanisms and strategies, and estimates the associated costs.

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Chronic kidney disease of nontraditional cause (CKDnt), is a risk for millions of workers in Latin America and Asia. Strenuous work in extreme heat without sufficient rest and hydration is an important driver. Without prevention, this epidemic will likely accelerate due to climate change.

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ClimApp is an EU JPI Climate ERA4CS project. The mobile phone App integrates weather forecast and individual factors into human thermal models, provides personalized health risk warning and advice to cope with heat and cold stress when facing extreme weather events.

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EXHAUSTION quantifies the changes in death and disease from heart and lung disease due to extreme heat and air pollution (including from wildfires) under selected climate scenarios. We do so by including a diverse set of adaptation strategies, calculate the associated costs, and identify effective strategies for minimizing adverse impacts.

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The PARSEC project is designed to provide a unique opportunity for data and synthesis scientists to collaborate and exchange in real-time toward the goal of improving research outcomes, data sharing, and data reuse. It will also help pioneer new scientific and data science technologies aimed at improving both the management and conservation of global biodiversity.

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